Dr. Susanne Faerber
Short Profile
Since January 2016, Susanne is a doctorate candidate at the Department for Marketing and Sales. After she obtained her Bachelor of Arts Degree in International Management at the International School of Management in Hamburg, she graduated in Management (Master of Science) at the Kühne Logistics University.
During her studies, Susanne gained extensive international experiences. She studied abroad at Regent‘s University in London and at the Tongji-University in Shanghai. Furthermore, she deepened her knowledge with internships in Canada and Uruguay. Within the framework of the Claussen-Simon Graduate Centre, Susanne investigates visitor satisfaction in touristic attractions in her doctorate thesis. Her supervisors are Prof. Dr. Dennis Ahrholdt, HSBA, and Prof. Dr. Oliver Schnittka, University of Southern Denmark.
In addition to her research activities at HSBA, Susanne is managing partner at the company Panoptikum Gebr. Faerber GmbH & Co. KG.
Journal articles (refereed)
Faerber, Susanne, Dennis C. Ahrholdt, Oliver Schnittka. forthcoming. "Visitor characteristics matter: How the positive impact of visit duration on visitor satisfaction at visitor attractions is moderated." Under review Journal of Business Economics : .
Faerber, Susanne, Dennis C. Ahrholdt, Oliver Schnittka and Zeinab Rezvani. 2021. "Visitor characteristics matter: how the positive impact of visit duration on visitor satisfaction at visitor attractions is moderated." Journal of Business Economics 91(3): 333-351.
Faerber, Susanne, Dennis C. Ahrholdt, Oliver Schnittka, and Zeinab Rezvani. 2021. "Multimedia-Guides and Word-of-Mouth in Nostalgic Visitor Attractions: The Case for a German Wax Museum.." Leisure Studies 40(5): 682-697.
Faerber, Susanne, Dennis Ahrholdt, Julian Hofmann, and Oliver Schnittka. 2021. "When are visitors actually satisfied at visitor attractions? What we know from more than 30 years of research Tourism Management." Tourism Management 84: 104284.
Conference presentations
Faerber, Lea Susanne, Julian Hofmann, Oliver Schnittka and Dennis C. Ahrholdt. 2019. "What influences the success of visitor attractions? A meta-analytic review of visitor satisfaction drivers." Presentation held at the 48. European Marketing Academy Conference, 28-31 May 2019, Hamburg.
Faerber, Susanne, Oliver Schnittka and Dennis Ahrholdt. 2019. "Visitor characteristics matter: How the positive impact of visit duration on visitor satisfaction at visitor attractions is moderated." Presentation held at the 48. European Marketing Academy Conference, 28-31 May 2019, Hamburg.
Faerber, S., Ahrholdt, D, Schnittka, O. 2017. "Success Drivers of Visitor Attractions: A Literature Review." Presentation held at the 26th Nordic Symposium of Tourism and Hospitality Research, Falun, Sweden, 05.10.2017.
Faerber, S., Ahrholdt, D, Schnittka, O. 2017. "They are out of control: Analysing external drivers of visitor satisfaction at visitor attractions." Presentation held at the 26th Nordic Symposium of Tourism and Hospitality Research, Falun, Sweden, 05.10.2017.