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Human Rights Manager

Certificate course

Navigating Rights and Responsibilities: Become a Human Rights Management Expert

Become a Human Rights Expert

Certificate Course Human Rights Management
September 2025
4.041 € plus VAT
6 modules on 7 days (49 h)
Certified Human Rights Manager (HSBA)

Target group

  • (Prospective) human rights managers

  • Employees in companies / associations who are responsible for the adherence of human rights standards

  • Consultants

Course Content

Successfully implementing human rights in companies and in supply chains

In a rapidly changing world in which companies increasingly have to take responsibility for respecting human rights, it is crucial to have sound knowledge and tried-and-tested skills. Our course offers the opportunity to become an expert in human rights management and prepare your company for the current challenges. 

The individual modules of the course are taught by leading experts, including managers from companies such as Porsche, Tchibo and Aurubis, who provide extensive insights into their practical work.

Dates & Modules

The modules can also be booked individually

Module 1 | Human Rights – Introduction and Historical Genesis

  • Human rights - introduction and historical genesis
  • References to the corporate context

Speakers: Prof. Dr. Sarah Jastram &
Walid Adams

Module 2 | Current Legislation and New Regulations for Companies

  • LkSG / CSDDD
  • Comprehensive introduction, explanation and commentary on legal requirements for companies

Speaker: Dr. Cäcilie Lüneborg

Module 3 | Management Approaches

  • Introduction to the logic of management models
  • Management models in the field of human rights
  • Exemplary application to companies of the participants

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Sarah Jastram

Module 4 | Focus on Risk Analysis

  • Concepts and models of risk analysis
  • Intensive case study Aurubis
  • Exemplary application to companies of the participants

Speaker: Sebastian Vetter

Module 5 | Focus on Supplier Management (Prevention and Remediation)

  • Concepts and approaches of supplier management
  • Intensive case study Tchibo
  • Exemplary application to companies of the participants

Speaker: Frederike Boll-von Galen

Module 6 | Focus on Complaints Mechanisms

  • Concepts and approaches of complaint management
  • Intensive case study Porsche
  • Exemplary application to companies of the participants

Speaker: Kai Berger

Final Presentations and Off-Boarding

  • Final presentations
  • Q&A Session: legal feedback
  • Evaluation

Speakers: Prof. Dr. Sarah Jastram &
Dr. Cäcilie Lüneborg


Prof. Dr. Sarah Jastram, HSBA

Prof. Dr. Sarah Jastram

HSBA Vice President for Research and International Affairs. Professor of International Business Ethics and Sustainability, and General Business Administration.

Modules: Academic Head

Walid Adams

Walid Adams

CLARIUS.LEGAL law firm. Consultancy for companies in the areas of compliance, data protection and IT law. Legal Tech Consultant.

Kai Berger, Porsche AG

Kai Berger

Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG. Specialist Business & Human Rights. Professional experience as a sustainability specialist in procurement.

Frederike Boll-von Galen, Tschibo GmbH

Frederike Boll von Galen

Tchibo GmbH. Senior Manager for Sustainability. Professional experience as Head of Business and Human Rights and Good Labour Worldwide at the Friedrich Ebert Foundation.

Dr. Cäcilie Lüneborg, SZA Schilling, Zutt & Anschütz

Dr. Cäcilie Lüneborg

SZA Schilling, Zutt & Anschütz. Advising national and international clients in the areas of corporate law, compliance and capital markets law.

Sebastian Vetter, Aurubis AG

Sebastian Vetter

Aurubis AG. Responsible Sourcing Manager. Professional experience at the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources.

Admission requirements

General higher education entrance qualification OR secondary school leaving certificate AND at least 2 years of relevant professional experience.



Would you like to take part in the course?

RA Jens O. Brelle, Art Lawyer

‘Intelligence consists not only in knowledge, but also in the ability to apply knowledge. Quote from Aristotle, Greek philosopher (384 BC - 322 BC). HSBA Hamburg's ‘Human Rights Manager’ course helped me to understand instruments such as ESG, CSR, LkSG etc. in a very sustainable way, especially in the context of practical applicability. Excellent!

RA Jens O. Brelle, Art Lawyer
Teilnehmer Modul 2 & 4, Jahrgang 2024
Felix Offermanns

The course combines practice and theory in a balanced way and also takes into account the important, often overlooked details of current case law. The lecturers pass on their specialist knowledge in a targeted manner and thus help to sustainably optimise the processes in your own company.

Felix Offermanns, LEIPA Group GmbH
Human Rights Officer & Sustainability Manager Procurement, Teilnehmer 2024
Stella Victoria Pahlitzsch

Uniting knowledge, training and people - the Certified Human Rights Manager Course is an in-depth programme that offers profound insights while connecting different companies with different backgrounds.

Stella Victoria Pahlitzsch, Mast-Jägermeister SE
Manager Sustainability, Participant 2024

Any Questions?

We are happy to help!

Laura Hoffjahn
Laura Hoffjann

Executive Education and Transfer

+49 40 822160963

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Questions?Laura Hoffjahn
Laura Hoffjahn

Laura Hoffjann

Executive Education and Transfer
+49 40 822160963

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