Lecture series Rethinking Business launched

The lecture series "Rethinking Business" is part of our HSBA Beyond Business event series. In four events, philosophers and a zeitgeist researcher present inspiring ideas on the question of what is important for the economy of the future. The lecture series is moderated by HSBA Professor Dr Susanne Hensel-Börner.

The opening event of the new lecture series "Rethinking the Economy" took place yesterday. Dr. Christoph Quarch, philosopher, book author and HSBA lecturer spoke on the topic of garden or computer - which guiding metaphor does the economy of the future need?

In the Peter Möhrle Lounge, he showed the development of the economy and the respective guiding metaphors in front of about 50 participants: From the house - Greek oikos (as the origin of the word economy) - via the ship and the machine to the crossroads at which we currently find ourselves.

According to Quarch, there are currently two options: If we remain true to the liberalist paradigm, then the computer as a digitalised machine would be the new guiding metaphor. Through artificial intelligence and algorithmically optimised data processing, the destruction of nature would be accelerated and humans would be exploited or even rendered useless. If, on the other hand, we opt for a paradigm shift, the garden would be the new guiding metaphor. It could lead to moderate growth and sustainable self-sufficiency of companies and economic areas. The garden could be a place of creative togetherness where economy and ecology come together. In this way, sustainability, environmental compatibility and social responsibility would be mastered and people would be supported in their natural development. For Quarch, the decision is clear. He expresses it with a quote from Voltaire: "Il faut cultiver notre jardin".

The second event of the lecture series will take place on 25 April at 6:30 pm in the Peter Möhrle Lounge. Kristine Fratz, Zeitgeist researcher, will speak on the topic of Zeitgeist Dynamics - The New Mindset for Sustainable and Innovative Management. Here You can register yourself and other guests.

Ringvorlesung HSBA, Dr. Christoph Quarch