News from the Presidium and University Management Board of HSBA

Our two Vice-Presidents Prof. Dr. Alkis Otto, Vice-President for Didactics and Teaching, and Prof. Dr. Max Johns, Vice-President for Research and International Affairs, will take over the presidential office of Professor Dr. Insa Sjurts on a temporary basis in accordance with HSBA's statute, as she will leave HSBA on 31 December 2022. A search committee for a new president has already begun its work with the participation of teachers, partner companies and students.

"After three intensive, exciting years, I will be leaving HSBA at the end of the year. Together we have steered HSBA through a time of global uncertainty, initiated important change processes and made it shine in new splendour," explains Prof. Dr. Insa Sjurts on her departure. "I would like to thank all colleagues, cooperation partners and friends from the bottom of my heart for their trusting cooperation and continued support."

The management of the HSBA, of which Prof. Dr. Sjurts was chairperson, will also be realigned in terms of personnel: As of 1 January 2023, Dr Christoph Jermann will complement the university management as interim managing director. He brings over two decades of experience as managing director of various higher education institutions and will support HSBA until the vacancy is filled. In addition, the management team will be strengthened by the appointment of Alexander Freier as Deputy Managing Director. He had already been involved in the management of the university for some time as an authorised signatory and will contribute his many years of expertise as Head of Marketing & Sales.