Through their participation in the university competition „Hamburg! Handelt! Fair!“ ("Hamburg! Act! Fair!"), in which our Professors Inga Schmidt-Ross and Susanne Hensel-Börner participated as jurors in 2021 and 2020 respectively, contact was made with the Weltladen Dachverband (Weltladen Association). Thanks to the mediation of Katharina Keienburg from the Innovations Kontakt Stelle Hamburg (IKS), the idea for a cooperation in the Strategic Marketing module was quickly born. After a change of location, the managing directors of the Weltladen Bergedorf, Ulla and Wolfgang Kahlbrock, wanted to rethink the entire marketing concept regarding the product range and target group-oriented communication. This was the starting point for 35 students in the Business Administration degree programme, who dealt with the various issues throughout the Marketing.Digital focus.
"We enjoyed working on the project together with the students. It was impressive to witness how quickly the sub-groups got involved with their individual questions and went in search of input and answers," say Professor Susanne Hensel-Börner and Professor Inga Schmidt-Ross, who supervised the project. "In doing so, the students worked very constructively under the given Corona conditions and skilfully used the digital possibilities for interacting and sharing materials."